法佑网Staff Lawyer 报道
美国国务院于2012年12月(Visa Bulletin)就中国大陆投资移民发出预警:来自中国的投资移民申请将在2013年第二季度开始(April to September , 2013)进入申请“等候名单”(waiting list)。如果中国投资移民申请进入“等候名单”后,平均来讲,需要等待4到9个月时间。
在过去的一年中,来自中国的投资移民占了全美投资移民的绝大多数。美国一年有10,000 个配额。通常情况下,每个国家有大约有百分之7的名额。但是,据美国移民局的统计,截止2012年10月31号,一共有7631份投资移民申请,而来自中国的投资移民申请占了总名额的80%. 如果这个趋势继续发展下去,来自中国的投资移名申请即将很快达到联邦政府对每年10,000份的配额。这样会给其他国家的投资移民申请带来困难。
为了赶上最后的快速移民末班车,法佑网特于2012年12月15日在北京,举行美国律师、美国各项目方(CEO级别)、EB-5投资者三方深谈会,以一对一的方式和项目方面谈,为EB-5移民人提供最直接的项目信息及后续一条龙服务。有意者请拨打报名电话 010-62962550。
Employment Fifth:Current*
*The following advisory is based strictly on the current demand situation. Since demand patterns can (and sometimes do) change over time, this should be considered a worst case scenario at this point.
It appears likely that a cut-off date will need to be established for the China Employment Fifth preference category at some point during second half of fiscal year 2013. Such action would be delayed as long as possible, since while number use may be excessive over a 1 to 5 month period, it could average out to an acceptable level over a longer (e.g., 4 to 9 month) period. This would be the first time a cut-off date has been established in this category, which is why readers are being provided with the maximum amount of advance notice regarding the possibility.